Heartburn or Heart Attack?

Heartburn or Heart Attack?

The symptoms of heartburn and a heart attack can be similar and often confused.

The most common symptom of both heartburn and a heart attack is discomfort in the chest and upper abdominal region, but how can you tell the difference?

 Symptoms of a heart attack:

* Pain associated with a heart attack radiates across the chest and possibly into the left arm and neck

* Breathing becomes difficult and can feel like the chest is being pressed on very heavily

* Clammy, sweaty, and grey complexion

* Heart attacks can occur at any time, but is most likely after strenuous activity

 Symptoms of heart burn:

* Heartburn almost always occurs after a meal, especially one containing spicy foods
* It can feel like a burning pain in the centre of the chest
* There is often an associated awareness of acid and stomach contents in the back of the throat or mouth
* Lying down or bending can increase the symptoms

Top heartburn and heart attack facts:

* During a heart attack, 7% of men drive themselves to the hospital instead of calling for an ambulance1

* According to the same study, women wait an average of 14 hours after the first symptom of a heart attack to go to an A&E, compared with nearly three hours for men1

* Up to 20% of the UK population have symptoms of heartburn every week 2

* According to a study by Zantac 75 Relief, 89% of people are confused about what remedy they should take to treat heartburn3

Treating heartburn:

There are four types of heartburn treatment available:

* Antacid - For mild heartburn. Works by neutralising excess acid in the stomach. These remedies often come as chalky tablets or chewy ‘sweets’ e.g. Milk of Magnesia/ Tums/ Rennie

* Alginate - For frequent sufferers. Forms a foam layer on top of the stomach contents to block excess gastric acid rising into the oesophagus. (May not be appropriate for those who have to restrict their sodium intake). e.g. Gaviscon

* H2 antagonist - For regular to severe heartburn sufferers. Reduces the amount of acid produced in the stomach. e.g. Zantac 75 relief

* Proton Pump Inhibitor - For severe heartburn/indigestion sufferers. Shut down the system responsible for producing stomach acid known as the ‘proton pump’. e.g. Zanprol

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