Pills which are used to prevent Alzheimer's don’t work according to new research.

Aspirin and other anti-inflammatory, non-steroidal drugs did not stop memory lose or dementia two American studies found.

The first study looked at over 6000 women and was in the British Medical Journal. The second, in Neurology looked at 2000 people with history of Alzheimer’s in their family.

Past research on the benefits of using the drugs has only shown slight benefits. Some UK experts also warn that the pills can cause serious side-effects. Such as stomach ulcers and kidney problems.

In the first study women were given one of the drugs or a dummy drug for 11 years and were given tests t check their memory. Researchers didn’t find a difference between the two groups, suggesting the drugs don’t protect against Alzheimer’s.

Rebecca Wood, chief executive of the Alzheimer's Research Trust, said the results were disappointing. "The number of people in the UK with dementia is expected to double in a generation unless we can find a way to prevent it. "Unfortunately aspirin does not appear to give the protection that some scientists had hoped for given the potential links between dementia and heart disease, so we urgently need to invest in more research to find other treatments." Although women who took NSAID, ibuprofen, had better verbal fluency than those on the dummy drug. The drug has been shown to dissolve protein clumps on the brain which are linked to Alzheimer’s.

Dr Susanne Sorenesen, head of research at the Alzheimer's Society, told the BBC: "The best evidence for reducing risk remains a healthy lifestyle, with regular exercise and a balanced diet. A healthy heart leads to a health mind."

Robyn Walker

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