Dietician Sian Porter from The Fat Panel shows you how to follow your favourite chef's meal the healthy way.
With the vast array of celebrity chefs offering their mouth-watering recipes for us to follow, cooking restaurant quality food in our own kitchen has never been easier. Celebrity chefs themselves have become household names, and their cookbooks offer quick and easy ways to make delicious meals. But when it comes down to it, how healthy are these recipes?
A new report by independent dietary advisory body The Fat Panel found that following a recipe from the likes of Anthony Worrell Thompson or Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall can contain over 200% of your Guideline Daily allowance (GDA) of saturated fat in a single serving. This is fine as a tasty treat once in a while, but eaten on a regular basis can cause problems to your health.
The report goes on to show how some simple swaps and switches can make a dramatic difference to saturated fat content, without affecting the flavour and food experience. For instance, simply swapping butter and cream for margarine or a vegetable oil based spread and yoghurt in one recipe (Baked Apples by John Burton Race and Allegra Hicks) would reduce the saturated fat content by 83%, from 120% of a woman's GDA of saturated fat (24g) to just 20% (24g down to 4g of saturated fat).
In this video feature, The Fat Panel's registered dietician Sian shows us how simple it is to follow your favourite chef's cookbook and with a few little tweaks, turn them into scrumptious meals that you and your family can enjoy as often as you like. Your heart will love you for it.
Tagged in Health