The Human Tissue Authority have expressed concerns regarding the collection of umbilical cord blood. The authority warns parents, hospitals and private firms over risky and illegal collections.
The Human Tissue Authority are concerned about the repercussions if proper guidelines were not followed as samples may be contaminated and safety compromised on maternity wards.
Reports are said to have been given to the regulator detailing dangerous practices including untrained and unlicensed people taking the blood.
Umbilical cord blood is sought because of it is a rich source of stem cells, which are used to help treat diseases such as leukaemia .
It is also thought that stem cells will be able to be used to create many different types of tissue and, in the future, could be used to repair and replace damaged organs as well as treating diseases ranging from Alzheimer's to cancer.
Due to this surge in interest the HTA started regulating cord blood collection in July 2008 with the routine monitoring of sample collection raising some worrying findings, according to the HTA.
It has received reports of more than 140 cases where samples were taken by people who were not properly qualified, but warned the figure was probably an underestimate.
These have included cases where parents have taken the blood themselves, medical staff have been pressured into doing it against their wishes or have done so unaware of the regulations.
The regulator is now contacting maternity units across the country as well as the organisations and individuals who are licensed to collect and store cord blood.
The HTA has the power to prosecute anyone involved in unregulated sample taking, but has stressed at the moment it just wants to remind the NHS, industry and public of the rules.
The Royal College of Midwives, reiterated the warning saying that the time during the birth is one of the riskiest times in terms of safety. Therefore, it is essential that midwives are able to concentrate on the birth and are not put under pressure to carry out unregulated and unlawful cord blood collections.
Last year more than 15,000 samples were taken across the UK. About a quarter of these were altruistic donations to the NHS Cord Blood Bank, charities or for research purposes according to the National Childbirth Trust
The rest though are arranged privately with individuals paying firms up to £2,000 for collection and storage of the blood in belief the blood may help the child if they get ill later in life.
Although many medical experts have questioned whether this is worthwhile as a person's own cord blood would be of little help in treating inherited diseases.
Tagged in Health