Responding to the latest study which links long term usage of Hormone Replacement Therapy with an increased risk of incidence and death from ovarian cancer Annwen Jones, Chief Executive of leading charity Ovarian cancer expressed concern.
"This large research study provides further evidence that there is an increased risk between the long term use of HRT and ovarian cancer, although it appears that less than 2% of all ovarian cancer cases could be attributed to HRT. However, given the overall increased risk of developing breast, endometrial or ovarian cancer, Ovarian cancer action suggests that women concerned should discuss these results with their doctor. In particular, it is important that women neither stop nor start taking HRT without seeking medical advice."
· Women seeking relief from menopausal symptoms, should discuss potential risks of taking the drugs, compared to the benefits, and that if they decide with their doctor to use HRT, that they use the minimum effective dose for the shortest duration of time.
· For women already taking HRT we advise they re-evaluate thebenefits versus the risks on an annual basis.
It is also important that other risk factors for the disease are taken into consideration. The main ones remain
a.. Age b.. Family history (2 or more cases on one side of the family)
Other risk factors can include
a.. Height (being tall) b.. Premenopausal obesity c.. Childlessness and/or lack of breast feeding d.. Early onset of menstruation, late onset of menopause
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