

I would like to introduce you to a potential source of stories and comment on fertility-related topics. Southampton-based Wessex Fertility at the Freya Centre is a privately owned fertility and women’s health clinic established for over 24 years and led by an all-female consultant team (unique in the UK as far as we have been able to establish).

The ‘female touch’ has certainly changed the tone at Wessex Fertility since Drs Sue Ingamells and Chantal Simonis took over almost exactly a year ago and patients have given a lot of positive feedback on the softer, more personal approach that they have adopted. The clinic enjoys high success rates, despite having an inclusive policy of accepting patients with a lower chance of success and many patients return for a second course of treatment.

Case studies and comment

Many of Wessex Fertility’s patients have shown willing to be involved in media stories and we are open to requests for particular case studies. Sue and Chantal are also available to provide comment on a range of issues associated with fertility/infertility, including:

* Cancer treatments and the impact on fertility – surviving cancer but losing fertility?
* New fertility techniques to reduce multiple births
* Single embryo transfer – safer for Mum but risk of disappointment?
* The importance of egg donation and egg sharing
* Donor sperm crisis – the lack of UK donors is driving British patients to seek mail-order sperm, what can we do to encourage home-grown donors? (Wessex Fertility has one of the few sperm banks in the UK)
* One-stop fertility assessment – saving 2 years of waiting for diagnosis in a single outpatient visit
* Fertility tourism – the pros and cons of seeking treatment abroad (Wessex Fertility has a relationship with several clinics in Spain)

I would be delighted to elaborate on any of the above or to discuss other angles/stories that may be of interest.