People feel great when someone makes them a cup of tea

People feel great when someone makes them a cup of tea

Both men and women took the survey which was carried out by Multibionta, and found that both sexes prefer the things money can't buy.

37% of men said being told a joke is the best thing to make them happy and 55% of women like to be paid a compliment. Both sexes enjoy being smiled at which came second favourite in the survey.

Other people said they enjoyed gestures such as being made a cup of tea, door opened for them and being let into the queue of traffic.

3,000 people took the survey which also found that the mood of others affected our own moods throughout the day. 48% said their mood was affected by their partner's mood and 77% said a negative family member brings the rest of the family down.

Peter Morton from Multibionta said: "Our research has shown that if we all club together, we could boost each others' moods. Whether it's telling your partner they're gorgeous, making a colleague an impromptu cup of tea or flashing a smile at a stranger, these small acts of kindness can go a long way in helping everyone feel better."

We all enjoy that feeling of happiness, a day when everything has gone the way it should do. So make yourself feel good by trying out these tips:

Eat an apple a day

It really does keep the doctor away. Apples are full of fibre which helps slow the release of sugar in the body, helping to maintain a steady blood sugar level.

A medium sized apple also helps to improve bowel fuctions, reducing the chances of a stroke, and research has dicovered it can lower the risk of getting cancer.

Just for eating one apple a day could increase your health making you feel positive throughout the day.

Drink plenty of water

It might be an obvious choice but the classic H20 is the most powerful anti oxident there is, flushing out bad toxins and leaving the body refreshed. Get drinking the good stuff!

Give a compliment

Everyone loves a compliment so give one today and see what good thing someone says about you. It could be a compliment on their clothing or just a bit of work they did. There's a great feeling to be had when you give a compliment and get one back.

Give a cuddle

The Multibionta survey revealed that people would prefer a cuddle than an expensive gift. Give someone you love a cuddle and see if it makes you feel happier.

It's so simple to make someone and yourself happy without breaking the bank. Happy Friday!

Naomi Havergal




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