Understanding what high blood pressure means and how it can be prevented

Chat date: Wednesday 11th April

Chat time: 14:00

Do you suffer from high blood pressure? Do you think that you could be at risk? Chances are that the answer is yes to at least one of these questions. Dr Bell will be discussing this extremely common condition which affects one in every three women and one in every five men and which often gives no symptoms but is a major risk factor for heart disease and stroke.   One of the dangers of hypertension is that in most cases it causes no symptoms but, because of its effect on the arteries of the body, it is one of the most important preventable causes of heart disease and strokes unless it is diagnosed and properly treated. As a result, there are many people in the UK with hypertension who are unaware that they have it and therefore unaware of the risk they are taking by not having it diagnosed and treated.   Dr Bell will look at the implications of having Hypertension, how you can check that you don't have it and what you can do to help yourself if you do have the condition. Although often medication is required, diet, exercise and other lifestyle changes can help to lower blood pressure or reduce the risk it poses to your long term health.   If you have a question about high blood pressure, what it is and how it is treated Dr. Bell will be happy to answer it.

Join Dr Martin Bell live online at Click Here on Wednesday 11th April at 2pm to discuss this very important subject

Martin Bell qualified at the Royal London Hospital in 1982 and has been in General Practice in North Essex for 18 years, after doing a number of hospital-based jobs including gaining extra qualifications in obstetrics, gynaecology and anaesthetics.

He is a full time partner in a busy practice which has about 12,000 patients and has an interest in communicating medicine in an understandable, but hopefully not patronising, way to non medical people; be they patients or a wider public. He also has a particular interest in high blood pressure (hypertension).

He would also be happy to answer questions relating to other medical conditions including diabetes, heart problems such as angina and heart attacks, gynaecological problems and joint conditions.