They're usually caused by herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) through close contact with someone who has a cold sore. Sometimes cold sores are caused by herpes virus type 2 (HSV-2) as a result of having oral sex with someone who has genital herpes.
You can't catch cold sores from cups, flannels or towels.
Infection usually occurs in childhood when someone's kissed by a family member who has a cold sore. The virus passes through the skin, travels up a nerve and hides in the nerve root until it's activated.
When the virus is activated, it travels back to the skin, causing a tingling sensation. When the sore appears, it's itchy, painful and embarrassing because it's so noticeable.
After the first attack, some people never have another one; others get them occasionally, while some get them quite often.
Many things trigger attacks: colds and flu, menstrual periods, emotional upset, fatigue, bright sunlight and cold winds.
Preventing recurrences involves avoiding those things known to trigger cold sores. So, make sure you always wear a lip balm containing UV protection and avoid sources of stress.
Eating a healthy, balanced diet that's rich in vitamins A, C and E, zinc and iron is also important to keep the immune system strong. Make sure you get enough garlic, too; it has antiviral properties and can be taken fresh or in capsule form.
Some people believe that the herb melissa, or lemon balm, is a good preventative. Make an infusion with some dried melissa leaves in boiling water, leave to cool, strain and store in a bottle. Apply it daily to the lips with cotton wool.
Many people know when a cold sore is on its way because they feel a tell-tale tingle. When this happens, applying a cream containing the drug aciclovir (available from chemists without prescription) may help to lessen the duration and severity of the attack.
Any pain caused by a cold sore can be eased by applying a cold compress of witch hazel to the affected area or by taking paracetamol.
It's important to always wash your hands after touching the cold sore and avoid putting your fingers near your eyes.