Care Crisis Impacting On Families

Care Crisis Impacting On Families

New research published today has revealed some shocking results as to the real impact the UK’s care crisis is having on British families.

The research, carried out for National Carer’s Week by retirement village operator Audley, questioned 1000 members of the so-called ‘Sandwich Generation’, individuals who are bringing up their own children whilst also providing care and support to ageing parents.

The research highlights not only the effect that unsuitable living conditions and the lack of care provision is having on our older generations, but also the impact it is having  on the lives of their families.

Of those questioned, two thirds (61 per cent) admitted that their parents are increasingly vulnerable and as a result a quarter (25 per cent) of Brits administer care and look after their ageing parents on a daily basis.

For some, this support is provided as a way of avoiding expensive care fees, with nearly half (40 per cent) confirming that their parents are not financially stable enough to pay for care and 12 per cent admitting that they are supplementing their parent’s incomes. For others however, the help is a way of preventing parents having to move into care institutions.

Key findings from the research indicate that a large proportion of the sandwich generation are spending their time helping with everyday tasks such as housework (40 per cent) and more than half (51 per cent) are doing shopping and errand running. This is in addition to managing their own households.

Regrettably, these added responsibilities are having a significant impact on the lives of the sandwich generation.

When questioned, almost a third (30 per cent) agreed that their own health is deteriorating as a consequence of having to care for parents with a similar number (29 per cent) stating that relationships with their own spouses and children are suffering too.

Nick Sanderson, Chief Executive of Audley commented: "Planning for retirement has been the subject of many headlines recently and is an issue that will only continue to escalate unless there is a radical shift in people’s attitudes and approaches to retirement.

"Getting finances in order is of course important, but without preparing for lifestyle and health changes, the elderly will increasingly have decisions made for them, unable to maintain the life they once led.

"By taking steps earlier in life to downsize and live in a safer, more suitable environment, individuals can lessen the physical and emotional strains they place on family members and maintain their independence and health for longer."