In a nationwide poll by Tesco it has been revealed that just over 21 million (36%) UK adults have made the pledge to eat healthier in 2008, but today is when the average Brit will break his or her resolution and shocking figures show that just one per cent will stick to their resolution for the whole year.Of the 2,000 people questioned, almost 15 per cent are unable to even get past the first week before falling off the New Year health wagon with just four per cent predicting they can stick to it for the whole year.But it is not all bad news - Tesco us aiming to support customers who are trying to adopt healthier eating habits by launching a free online tool called The Healthy Living Tracker which allows them to track the amount of calories, carbohydrate, fat, saturated fat, fibre, protein, sugar and salt they have eaten in a day by giving them access to over 12,000 individual items of food and drink from all major supermarkets and popular restaurant chains.Karen Tonks, a nutritionist from Tesco said: “The trouble with making a healthy eating resolution that starts in January is that this is the very time we want to tuck up indoors with some lovely but stodgy foods to beat the winter blues. We are more likely to be successful by making simple steps month by month to meet our aim of a healthier 2008.”