Bigger brains and eyes if you live north of the equator

Bigger brains and eyes if you live north of the equator

People living far north of the equator have bigger eyes and bigger brains, according to a new study.

The research however indicated that this does not mean that they are any cleverer.

The Oxford University team found that larger vision processing areas fill the extra capacity.

They have developed these over time to cope with dark, long winters and grey skies.

The scientists measured eye sockets and brain capacity from 55 skulls from 12 populations across the world.

They found, the further north, the bigger their eyes and brains and Scandinavians have the biggest.

Lead researcher Eiluned Pearce, from Oxford University’s School of Anthropology, says: “Away from the equator, there’s less light, so humans had to evolve bigger eyes. Their brains need to be bigger to deal with the extra visual input. It does not mean higher latitude humans are smarter, they need bigger brains to see well where they live.”

The smallest brain cavities come from Micronesia. 

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