Wine glasses

Wine glasses

"Small" wine measures are getting bigger in many pubs.

Pubs, bars and restaurants should be forced to start selling smaller glasses of wine again, an MP says.

Liberal Democrat Greg Mulholland is to propose a bill in the House of Commons calling for the reinstatement of traditional 125ml measures.

The MP for Leeds North West argues that larger glasses are making customers "less aware of how many units of alcohol they are drinking".

Many licensed premises only sell wine in 175ml and 250ml measures.

'Half a pint'

Mr Mulholland's bill would amend weights and measures legislation to make all bars, pubs, clubs and licensed restaurants offer the 125ml measure.

The MP, a Lib Dem health spokesman, said: "In the last few years there has been a deliberate move by many bar and pub companies to phase out the traditional standard size 125ml glass of wine, and only sell the larger 175ml and 250ml size.

"In the latter case this is almost half a pint of wine."

He added: "The result inevitably has been that wine drinkers are less aware of how many units of alcohol they are drinking when they have 'a few of glasses of wine'.

"This is a real concern at a time when the figures show that alcohol related health problems are increasing, including women who drink the majority of wine purchased in bars and pubs."

Data published by the Office for National Statistics last week suggests men drink an average of 18.7 units of alcohol a week, compared with 9.0 units for women.

Some 21% of men and 11% of women had drunk on at least five of the seven days before the survey of about 16,500 households was carried out.