
10 September 2019

Top tips on being truthful with your doctor

It can be daunting visiting the doctor. Even if you have a good relationship with your GP, it can be embarrassing or uncomfortable to talk about what’s really troubling you. ...
2 September 2019

15 Uses for tea tree oil

Clear out the clutter from your bathroom cabinet and replace it with just one small bottle of Tea Tree Oil, nature’s powerful antibacterial multi-tasker that will combine the work of ...

29 August 2019

Seven herbal teas that are also excellent natural remedies

Not everyone can or wants to take prescription (or over-the-counter) medication to aid mild ailments like nausea, headaches or stress, but that doesn't mean the only other alternative is to ...

27 August 2019

Review: The 1:1 Diet by Cambridge Weight Plan (Month 2)

My efforts last month meant that I could fit into a dress that was a size smaller for a wedding I was attending. I know I still have a long ...
27 August 2019

Review: The 1:1 Diet by Cambridge Weight Plan (Month 1)

Ever since I can remember- weight has been at the forefront of my mind. I get up and I think about my weight, I go about my day and my ...
27 August 2019

Protein for beginners: The four basic rules

Protein has never been more popular, and rightly so, as it offers multiple health benefits to all, and not just those who exercise regularly. The protein market is booming, and ...
19 August 2019

Seven ways to survive the heat this summer if you're pregnant

Dr Larisa Corda is an Obstetrician and Gynaecologist and is one of the UK’s leading Fertility experts. For more details please visit It’s been a record-breaking Summer, with July having ...
15 August 2019

10 Ways to celebrate National Relaxation Day

You might be lucky enough to have today off- if not- you may want save your celebration until the weekend. Whenever you decide to mark the occasion- here are a ...

12 August 2019

Top changes to make now if you're trying to get pregnant

Dr Larisa Corda is an Obstetrician and Gynaecologist and is one of the UK’s leading Fertility experts. For more details please visit Whether you’re looking to improve your chances of ...
6 August 2019

10 Small things you can do to keep your feet healthy

Our feet are incredible. Made up of 100 moveable parts including 26 bones and 20 muscles, they are a masterpiece of natural engineering. That’s why the College of Podiatry is ...
5 August 2019

You know your body best!

Anyone who’s had a smear test knows it is not an elegant experience. But this relatively simple test detects early signs of cervical cancer, often long before the disease has ...
2 August 2019

Five CBD oil benefits for women

CBD Oil is trending in the UK. According to this report by the Centre for Medicinal Cannabis in June 2019, approximately 4 – 6 million people having tried it. It also ...
23 July 2019

How to stop quitting sports and get results: Three secrets to consistency

You wake up on Sunday morning after an especially vigorous party with wine, pizza, and snacks. Feeling like the fattest person in this world, you promise yourself finally make it ...

18 July 2019

Six ways to keep happy with hay fever

Words by Nutritional Therapist Hannah Braye ( Whilst most of the population look forward to the arrival of spring and all of nature’s bounties that it brings, for those who ...
15 July 2019

Six reasons why burpees are a badass addition to your workout

Burpees are one of the most exhausting bodyweight exercises. Whether you’re into your fitness or not, you will have heard of the humble burpee. Some appreciate them, others fear them ...
8 July 2019

Becks Boston on working out with a budget, making exercise a natural experience and more [EXCLUSIVE]

Bright lights, loud music, air-conditioning, swanky membership cards, blinking lights beeping and whirling machines. Modern gyms offer a lot to attract new gym-goers and justify their membership fees, but after ...
28 June 2019

A Burning Issue: A third of Brits believe cannabis legalisation would lead to less burden on the NHS

The UK’s relationship with alcohol is on the rocks… According to the NHS, 337,870 of hospital admissions were due to alcohol abuse in one year in the UK and in ...
19 June 2019

10 Things you should know about Sickle Cell

The B Positive choir made their debut with an exclusive performance yesterday at the MOBO Pre Awards Show at Boisdale Canary Wharf, London. They will also be performing at various events and locations, which ...

14 June 2019

Facial aesthetic treatments: How to look naturally young

There is no shame in wanting to look younger, let’s be honest when you get right down to it don’t the vast majority of us want to? And it seems ...
7 June 2019

Why you should take a dip on the wild side this summer

With spring very much so sprung and summer very much so on its way, more and more people are taking to the great outdoors to bask in all its glory. ...
7 June 2019

Five reasons why using a vitamin drip might work for you, by Dr. Pamela Benito

Vitamin drips are an increasingly popular trend amongst celebrities and health gurus alike. The benefits of this treatment span from skincare to strengthening your immune system - recommended for anyone ...
5 June 2019

Global Running Day: All you need to know about gait analysis

Jenny Blizard answers all the questions you ever had about gait analysis as we celebrate Global Running Day. She explores injury prevention, foot strides and running shoes for the serious ...

30 May 2019

Nursem tackles dermatitis caused by hand-washing one bottle of hand cream at a time

If you read our International Nurses Day feature in May detailing seven things you didn't know about nursing, you'll know that excessive hand-washing is one of the biggest challenges nurses face. ...
21 May 2019

Why women shouldn't count calories

For decades, the fitness industry has been telling us that we need to “eat less and move more” to shed fat. The theory behind this is that you need to ...