
6 November 2019

Seven death admin tasks you need to tackle sooner rather than later

We spend a lot of our busy lives planning – be it for holidays, weddings or our financial futures. Planning for our death? Not so much. But as Macmillan Cancer ...

31 October 2019

How to navigate seasonal stress one step at a time

It's that time of year. The shops are filled with Halloween and Christmas ‘stuff’, we haven’t yet got to Christmas carols on repeat… YET. It is supposed to be a ...
27 October 2019

Struggling to stay hydrated? Here are seven things to look for in your water bottle

Do you find it hard to drink enough water during the day? The struggle is over thanks to new smart hydration bottles that take the thinking out of drinking. Here’s ...
23 October 2019

Four top fitness tips for beginners, from fitness expert and reality star Jennifer West

Today, I'm going to share with you my best fitness tips! There are just four tips I'm giving you, for when you want to get in the gym, or start ...
18 October 2019

World Menopause Day: Five things you need to know about premature menopause

The menopause is a natural part of ageing for women, which occurs when their oestrogen levels start to decline, causing their periods stop and their ovaries to lose their reproductive ...
14 October 2019

Step-by-step guide to supporting a partner through menopause

The menopause is a major transition during a women’s lifespan, and is often accompanied by physical, emotional and social changes. The classic symptoms such as hot flushes and night sweats ...
12 October 2019

Seven tips on how to buy Halloween contacts and wear them safely

By Ashish Mathur, Eye Care Expert at  Feel Good Contacts There’s nothing better than creating a shock on Halloween night and transforming yourself from friendly to frightening. If you’re planning ...
11 October 2019

Why a healthy diet is essential for improving mental health

When you're feeling down or anxious, it's easy to reach for ice cream, chocolate and pizza. For some reason, we assume foods with high sugar and high fat content will ...
9 October 2019

Looking after your mental health during pregnancy

It's no secret that pregnancy is a particularly trying time for anyone. As your body floods with hormones, you are likely to feel very different within yourself, and your emotions will ...
7 October 2019

Six tips on how to shape up with weight training, from fitness expert and reality star Jennifer West

If you have some serious aesthetic goals then you NEED to consider weight training! Have you thought about weight training before? Do you do it already and not see results? ...
1 October 2019

Eight practical ways to let go of anger

By Jane Bliss Sorrell, A transformational coach & intuitive life-alignment mentor: www. Anger can be caused by many different things and can be triggered by a wide variety of ...

30 September 2019

Gynaecological Cancer Awareness Month: Cervical conditions and fertility

If you have abnormal smear, please don’t panic, as it doesn’t necessarily mean there’s something wrong! Your doctor will also perform a test for HPV and if this is also ...

30 September 2019

The four biggest gym myths busted, by fitness industry expert and reality star Jennifer West

Hey, my name is Jennifer and I have been in the fitness industry for around eight years now. During this time I have worked in many gyms and I think ...
30 September 2019

Five signs you have an unhealthy relationship with food

So much focus in our society is placed on food, dieting and eating habits. It’s important to understand how we eat and to recognise when our eating behaviour might be ...
30 September 2019

Nine everyday habits to boost your brain power

We all want to defy the aging process, whether it is combating wrinkles or keeping fit and trim, but what can you do to keep your brain health in peak ...
29 September 2019

Six lunch hour activities and treatments to boost your afternoon

By Isla Knight, JustUWellness The stresses and strains of daily life can often leave us feeling exhausted and in need of a recharge. While weekend breaks and the odd day ...
24 September 2019

The importance of a balanced diet in your weight loss journey

If you are looking to lose weight, it is critical to keep a check on your well-being and plan realistic goals for yourself. The first step towards losing weight in ...
24 September 2019

Seven top tips for being a morning person

dorset cereals has teamed up with Rosie Millen, Danielle North and other likeminded experts, including anxiety expert Chloe Brotheridge, happiness consultant Samantha Clarke and comparison coach Lucy Sheridan to form ...

17 September 2019

Debunking five common myths about HIV

Welsh rugby star Gareth Thomas is something of a hero to us here at Female First. His bravery to come out as a gay man in a masculine, male-dominated industry ...

16 September 2019

Change your attitude: The Dos and Don'ts of losing weight

So Bill Maher thinks fat shaming will end the obesity endemic because it will shame people into losing weight. The truth is, this is but one of many false assumptions ...
16 September 2019

Why should we worry about pelvic pain?

Pelvic pain can be due to a number of causes, not all of them serious and not all of them due to the reproductive organs. Inflammation, infection, or abnormal tissue ...
14 September 2019

10 Reasons why living sober is far from boring

By Bunmi Aboaba, Founder of The Sober Advantage When the general public think of sober people, they would probably imagine a group of boring, stiff-upper-lipped killjoys. This couldn’t be further ...
11 September 2019

Seven things I’ve learned on The 1:1 Diet

I am now at the end of my journey and I wanted to share a few things that I’ve learned along the way with this plan. It’s simple: It is ...
10 September 2019

Top tips on being truthful with your doctor

It can be daunting visiting the doctor. Even if you have a good relationship with your GP, it can be embarrassing or uncomfortable to talk about what’s really troubling you. ...