Get in shape this year with useful little tips

Get in shape this year with useful little tips

To help women across the UK keep in shape in the New Year, lifestyle expert Joanna Hall has put together 20 easy, fun but importantly everyday activities that burn 20 calories, the same amount of calories in a bottle of deliciously refreshing Ribena Light.

Remember though to be careful when trying them out. 

When everyone is counting the calories post-Christmas, you can get the same goodness with fewer calories and no added sugar with Ribena Light – a deliciously light way to enjoy your favourite blackcurrant Ribena, but with only 20 calories.

Ribena Light is the perfect guilt-free treat that fits in your handbag and with your healthy New Year’s resolutions. It’s perfect for any time of day – the ideal thirst-quencher when you’re out and about or for an afternoon refreshment.

Ribena Light isn’t just good for keeping an eye on those calories – one bottle also provides your recommended daily dose of vitamin C.

Use these 20 ways to burn 20 calories to help you get fit:

1. Hop up a flight of stairs.
2. Play the air guitar while in the shower.
3. Dance the Macarena while waiting for your toast to pop.
4. Play hopscotch as your tea bag brews.
5. Climb the stairs two at a time.
6. Hula hoop as your emails download.
7. Toss 10 pancakes.
8. Do the can-can while watching your favourite YouTube clip.
9. Play cats cradle as you wait for your bath to fill.
10. Blow 50 bubbles with bubble gum as you shave your legs.
11. Do the arm actions to Village People's YMCA while reading your emails.
12. Play paper, scissors, stone while boiling an egg.
13. Do ten bicep curls using a bottle of Ribena Light.
14. Brush your teeth while hopping on one leg.
15. Sing the Hokey Kokey while changing your baby’s nappy.
16. Play a game of thumb war while the kettle boils.
17. Act out Queen’s “I want to break free” while hoovering your living room.
18. Stand on your head for 10 seconds.
19. Give someone a passionate kiss.
20. Chew a mouthful of food for a full 60 seconds.
Femalefirst Taryn Davies

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