James Dean Ultimate Collector’S Edition Blu-Ray

James Dean Ultimate Collector’S Edition Blu-Ray

When he died in 1955 at the age of 24 in a car crash, James Dean was mourned by millions of fans throughout the world. Despite only making three films - all of them for Warner Bros. - Dean became one of Hollywood’s most spectacular stars, and almost 60 years later still remains an internationally compelling force, an iconic image, and a cult favorite of timeless fascination.

On 28th October, 2013, Warner Home Video will release East of Eden, Rebel Without a Cause and Giant (a George Stevens production), on remastered Blu-ray as the James Dean Ultimate Collector’s Edition - a limited and numbered six-disc set that boasts three feature-length documentaries about Dean’s life including James Dean Forever Young, narrated by Martin Sheen; American Masters James Dean Sense Memories and George Stevens: A Filmmaker’s Journey.

Packaged in a double-wide gift set, the collection also contains a 48-page photo book with behind-the-scene images and rare insight into each film. The Ultimate Collector’s Edition will be available for £34.99 RRP.

All three films were 4k restorations from original camera negatives at Warner Bros. Motion Picture Imaging (MPI). Due to color fading, the original camera negatives could no longer yield an acceptable photochemical print.

For Rebel Without a Cause, the stereo soundtrack was reconstructed from the magnetic soundtrack stripes of Cinemascope release prints.

The film’s restoration was done by Warner Bros. in collaboration with The Film Foundation. Restoration funding was provided by Warner Bros., Gucci and The Film Foundation.

- East of Eden (1955)

Based on John Steinbeck’s novel and directed by Elia Kazan, East of Eden is the first of three major films that make up James Dean’s movie legacy.

The idol-to-be plays Cal, a wayward Salinas, California youth who vies for the affection of his hardened father (Raymond Massey) with his favored brother Aron (Richard Davalos).

Playing off the haunting sensitivity of Julie Harris, Dean’s performance earned one of the film’s four Academy Award® nominations . Among the movie’s stellar performers, Jo Van Fleet won the Oscar® for Best Supporting Actress (1955).

Special Features:

- Commentary by Richards Schickel
- "Forever James Dean" [1987 Documentary]
- "East of Eden: Art in Search of Life"
- Screen Tests
- Wardrobe tests
- Deleted Scenes
- 3/9/1955 NYC Premier
- Theatrical Trailer

- Rebel Without a Cause (1955)

In one of the most influential performances in movie history, Dean plays Jim Stark, the new kid in town whose loneliness, frustration and anger mirrored those of postwar teens - and still reverberates 50 years later. Natalie Wood (as Jim’s girl Judy) and Sal Mineo (as Jim’s tag-along pal Plato) were Academy Award® nominees for their achingly true performances.

Director Nicholas Ray was also an Oscar® nominee for this landmark film which was released less than one month after Dean’s fatal car crash.

Special Features:

- Commentary by Douglas L. Rathgeb
- "James Dean Remembered" featurette
- "Rebel Without A Cause: Defiant Innocents"
- Dennis Hopper: Memories from the Warner Lot
- Screen Tests
- Wardrobe Tests
- 16 Deleted Scenes
- "Behind The Cameras: Natalie Wood"
- "Behind The Cameras: Jim Backus"
- "Behind The Cameras: James Dean"
- Theatrical Trailer

- Giant (a George Stevens production) (1956)

Based on Edna Ferber’s best-selling family saga about a Texas family of ranchers and oilmen, Giant stars Elizabeth Taylor, Rock Hudson and Dennis Hopper.

In his final film role, Dean stars as wrangler turned oil baron Jett Rink. Directed by the legendary George Stevens, this sprawling epic received ten Academy Award® nominations including a Best Actor nod for Dean and earned Stevens a win for Directing (1956).

Special Features:

- Introduction by George Stevens Jr.
- Commentary by George Stevens Jr., Ivan Moffat and Stephen Farber
- "George Stevens: Filmmakers Who Knew Him"

Click here to buy James Dean Ultimate Collector’s Edition on Blu-Ray

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