Reading Chest Gift Voucher

Reading Chest Gift Voucher

Encourage little minds to discover the joy of reading this Christmas, with a Reading Chest gift voucher.

The inspiration of Liz Walker, a former teacher and mum of three, is the UK’s first through-the-post book rental service for 4 to 9 year olds.  It is based on reading schemes used in schools across the UK and works in a similar way to DVD rental services. 

And we have a 12 month subscription to Reading Chest to give away here
A three month subscription voucher comes complete with a book bag, a reward chart and stickers and a choice of book to keep (A Christmas Journey by Brian Wildsmith is our current favourite!). 

Children can then look forward to receiving their own deliveries of exciting reading books, specifically tailored to their reading ability, from Reading Chest’s extensive choice of fiction and non-fiction reading scheme books.
Choose from:
- Bronze three month subscription voucher (£25) allows members up to 6 books per month within their chosen reading band. 

- Silver three month subscription voucher (£35) allows members up to 12 books per month, and can be from two different reading bands, enabling siblings of different ages to benefit from the scheme.

- Gold three month subscription voucher (£45) allows members an unlimited supply of books that can be selected from up to three different reading bands and can be shared between three siblings.
Members get all the other usual Reading Chest benefits including certificates which are available to download from the Reading Chest website and budding literary critics can even see their own book reviews published online!  For further information on Reading Chest, visit