Ubisoft has defended criticism of its 'Ghost Recon: Wildlands' beta.

Ghost Recon: Wildlands
The closed beta went live on February 3 and the feedback from Reddit fans criticised the game's direction, with some claiming the gameplay is too far away from Ghost Recon's roots.
And with the tactcal shooter video game still a month away from full release, Ubisoft employee Keeba has hit back at the critics.
He took the the game's thread and stressed: "The beta is not the finished product, and we are definitely working hard to make improvements before launch."
The game will mark the tenth instalment from 'Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon' franchise and will be the first game to feature in the open world, featuring mountains, forests, deserts and salt flats, moving away from the futuristic setting introduced in 'Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter'.
Keeba also explained: "If it makes you feel any better, I can assure you that there have been optimisations and changes made based on player feedback from previous tests. I forward all the feedback I see on various channels to the dev team, and they try to make adjustments and optimisations as they can, according to that feedback."
And critical fan feedback proved to be popular with Tom Clancy's 'The Division' which improved massively as it enabled the developer to get rid of some 10,000 bugs ahead of the official launch.
'Ghost Recon: Wildlands' will be playable on Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One and is expected to be released on March 7, 2017.
Tagged in Tom Clancy