Many stereotypes surround bingo. For many people, this is a game best enjoyed by older women whose main source of entertainment is yelling bingo to the chagrin of others. And if you look at what movies, songs, and other forms of art portray, you will also start thinking that bingo was a female-only game. It also does not help that most bingo sites use female-oriented marketing means. So, once you see all the wording and the bold feminine colors, you start equating bingo to women. But is this just a stereotype, or is there some truth to it?



A Walk Down Memory Lane

When bingo first started, it was a game for everyone. It was a simple game that almost everyone could understand. Thus, even soldiers used it to pass the time when they were deep in the First World War. And we all know that men were in the field for the most part, with women taking on subsidiary roles at the time. So, it wasn’t a female game per se. As time went by, bingo became commercialized as an easy way to gamble. And by the 1960s, hundreds of thousands of people enjoyed a game of bingo now and then. Even churches started using it as a way to raise funds. People were not about to shun the opportunity to make money and help people in need at the same time. At this point, more women showed interest in the game, and the ratio of men to women was about 1:1.

Towards the 1990s, the ratio had changed to about 2:1 for women and men, respectively. At this time, ladies would flock to bingo halls as a way to socialize with each other. And the more they learned how easy it was, the more they embraced this fun way to gamble away their extra cash. The environment was largely cheery, which only made it more conducive for women. After all, they did not enjoy the fast-paced and domineering nature of most casino games. Finally, they had a game that matched their ideal pace, and they welcomed it with open arms. That is what propelled this ideology that bingo was a female game.

The Entry of Online Bingo

Towards the start of the 21st century, the internet had spread considerably, and online gambling sites jumped at the chance to go global. And in so doing, bingo became available at the touch of a button. The game was now more convenient as people no longer had to commute to gaming halls. Online sites also offered more varieties, low buy-ins, and numerous bonuses and promotions. To add to all these, players could now interact with others from across the globe. These changes made the game more accessible to men and women worldwide. And bingo sites, having realized that their main clients were female, took this opportunity to launch feminine-based marketing campaigns. Of course, this also added to the long-believed stereotype.

Why Women Love Bingo

It comes down to the general nature of women. Most women enjoy a calm and cheery environment and do not enjoy competitive games too much. While you will still find women betting on soccer or going head-to-head on poker, most prefer toned-down betting options. And with bingo, they could enjoy:

-       A simple learning curve: Bingo is a game of chance, and once you understand how to mark the numbers and buy a ticket, you are good to go. You don’t need to learn how to bluff, fold, surrender, or any of that stuff. So, most women embrace this simplicity because they can play a game without needing to strategize so much.

-       A fun distraction: Most people who play bingo don’t do it for the money. Even when traditional gaming halls were a hit, most patrons enjoyed the game for the conversation. While they hoped that they would make something from it, they were not too disappointed when they walked away with nothing. For them, it’s about the community and not the winnings. And seeing as most women are social creatures, this is a huge plus!

-       Quick gameplay: With the busy schedules that have adorned our daily lives, spending hours strategizing does not make much sense to most people. Statistics show that 4 in 5 bingo players are stay-at-home mums. They are busy looking after their households and don’t have time to learn all the tricks to win a game. They want a game they can play as they meal prep or iron clothes. And bingo fits right into their schedule.

Let’s not forget that bingo is also cheap. The tickets are pretty easy to buy, and if you play online, you can pay less because online sites don’t have too many overheads.

Do Men Play Bingo?

With all the female-oriented marketing, you might think that no man would be caught alive playing bingo. But statistics show that male players make up 25% of the global bingo players. In the past, men were known to play fast-paced, aggressive games that were true to their nature. And even if a man wanted to play a ‘soft’ game like bingo, he would probably have avoided it to maintain his status in society. His friends would scoff at the idea, and the women would probably have commented about it.

But now? The aspect of gender roles has changed. Women can sit at the poker table and rise through the ranks, playing in the biggest tournaments. And men? They no longer need to stray so far from what they want. If a man wants to play bingo, he can do so. While he might not walk into a bingo hall, he can play straight from his phone or desktop. Any man who wants to have a go at it can have one. And it’s a great way to relax and supplement your earnings from other wagers.

More younger males are playing bingo, and we can expect more millennials and Gen Zs to give this classic game a try.

So, is bingo still a female-oriented game? The answer is yes! Even if you go through the chatrooms, you can see that most of the messaging lies on the feminine side. The colors on online bingo sites have that pop of color akin to a woman’s preferred décor. But that does not mean that men are not playing this game. 25% of bingo players are male, and statistics show that this number will grow in the coming years. And let’s not forget that when bingo first started, it was a male-dominated game. Thus, rather than lean on the gender specificity of the game, we can settle on the fact that it is quick, simple, and cheap. And anyone who wants to get their hands on such gameplay should consider playing bingo.


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