Bungie is hiring for a new Senior Executive who will help adapt ‘Destiny’s narrative form from video games across to the world of TV Shows, Movies, and more.

Destiny (c) Bungie
As spotted by TheGamePost, a career listing on Bungie’s website for a Senior Executive, Development role, states that the successful candidate will “drive projects that extend the Destiny franchise into new categories including TV, films, books, comics and audio formats.”
The overview for the role reveals that as “a storyteller and “guardian” of the Destiny IP’, the new executive’s role will be to “identify, select, guide, collaborate, and provide feedback to third parties and partners enabling them to tell additional myths in the Destiny universe that delight our fans while capturing the hearts and minds of new audiences.”
Elsewhere in the job listing, it states underneath the required skills section that the successful candidate will have a “passion for Destiny, ideally having spent hundreds of hours playing Destiny the game and exploring its world” and they also must be “credited on multiple series/films with experience in animation, scripted television development or current programming, ideally from either a production or a development stand-point – at a network, studio or production company.”