Darth Vader is now an even deadlier foe in 'Star Wars Battlefront' following the latest update to Electronic Arts' online shooter.

Star Wars Battefront

Star Wars Battefront

Developers DICE have made a whole host of changes, fixes and updates to the game - which coincides with unofficial Star Wars Day on May 4 which is celebrated with the greeting of "May the 4th Be With You", a play on words of the utterance from the movies "May the force be with you".

Multiple changes have been made to the game's weapons, star cards, hero abilities and also to address stability and general gameplay issues.

Darth has been given a more powerful force choke which prevents players who are currently being choked from interacting with in-game objects, such as uplinks, and it also removes the effect of the Adrenaline Stim.

But it's not just Darth Vader that has benefited from the changes.

Just as the Sith Lord has increased power, Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker has been given a slight boost to his health and Princess Leia's Trooper Bane ability will now pass through shields.

New Outer Rim DLC heroes Greedo and Nien Nunb have been made "more balanced" and "closer to the other heroes", according to EA.

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