Bungie has announced “major changes” for ‘Destiny 2’ as the series marks its 10th anniversary.

Bungie  has announced a new content model for Destiny 2

Bungie has announced a new content model for Destiny 2

It has been confirmed that starting in 2025, the game will no longer follow the annual expansion model.

Instead, the game will see two "medium-sized" paid expansions released annually, alongside four "major" free content updates.

Game director Tyson Green said: "We’ve loved creating annual Expansions and are especially proud of The Final Shape. But the truth is that they dominate almost all our development effort.

"We need to free ourselves up to explore and innovate with how we deliver Destiny 2 content so we can invest in areas of the game that will feel more impactful to players."

Despite the structural change, Green said Bungie is still committed to "great storytelling".

He said: "Going forward, we want to return the mystery and wonder that was woven into the fabric of early Destiny, when the story felt ripe with possibilities and an epic sense of exploration and discovery."