Blumhouse Games will "exist in the horror space".

Blumhouse Games will exist in 'horror space'

Blumhouse Games will exist in 'horror space'

Last month at gaming industry expo Summer Game Fest, Jason Blum unveiled the inaugural slate of titles for the new division and Blumhouse Games creative lead Louise Blain has now shared some new information.

Louise told Variety: "We’ll exist in the horror space. I think the incredible thing about horror is it’s so vast. There are so many different sub genres, like supernatural. And with Blumhouse shows or movies, they go across the gamut of horror and that’s really what we want to embrace: horror in all of its forms. And that means that what you’re looking at on the slate is twisted and weird games, and then playing a pixelated cosy agriculture game with murder. The scope is very, very large, as long as you’re playing in the giant format that is horror and the unknown, it can feel like jumpscares, it can feel like exploring a dark corner in a haunted home, and can also feel like, why are the farmers dying in this cute town? The thing is, you could actually really enjoy a horror game, you just didn’t know which one you want to play."

Most of the games are still in development but 'Fear the Spotlight' from indie developer Cozy Pal Games is set to launch later this year.

Described as "a creepy love letter to classic ’90s teen horror stories", it will follow two friends who survive a seance gone wrong.