Over 1,300 retro games are coming to PlayStation via Antstream Arcade.

Pac-Man will soon be available to PlayStation gamers
The service will bring a host of classic titles to the console from Friday (06.09.24) with users being able to enjoy the extensive catalogue through either a subscription or a one-time purchase for lifetime access.
Antstream Arcade was announced for PlayStation last month and is set to become the first third-party cloud gaming service on the Sony console.
The games will be available to both PS4 and PS5 users and features titles from systems such as the NES, Sega Genesis and Atari 2600.
The games available to subscribers include 'Bubble Bobble', 'Pac-Man' and 'Metal Slug'.
Antstream Arcade also brought a similar number of retro games to the Xbox Series X/S and Xbox One earlier this year in a move that was described as "Xbox's biggest content drop in history".
The service's founder Steve Cottam said in a statement: "Despite living in an age of incredible technology, I found it wasn’t easy enough to access the games I loved growing up and I wanted to be able to easily share scores and compete against friends.
"We believe in the preservation and accessibility of all games, the great, the impossible and the forgotten or lesser known too, I’m very proud to bring the Antstream Arcade platform to the Xbox community."