YouTube Gaming allows for not only game streaming but other live video streaming as well. Just like Twitch, there is a chat interface which gives viewers the ability to chat with each other as well as directly with the person streaming.

YouTube launches Gaming Service
Anyone can stream their content or game by simply creating an account or using their current YouTube account. Google has even made a guide for those who need a helping hand.
Streaming is not limited to PC gaming, as YouTube Gaming supports consoles such as PlayStation 4, Wii U and Xbox One, provided you've got a capture device to send the video to your PC.
Currently, Twitch is the undisputed king when it comes to game-streaming, but a big advantage for YouTube Gaming will be in archiving. Currently, streamers are downloading their Twitch streams and then uploading them to their YouTube accounts. YouTube Gaming will completely eliminate this process. Perhaps with YouTube Gaming acting as a "one-stop-shop" we'll see Twitch streamers converting to the Google side of life.
Tagged in YouTube