What can you tell us about Smug Little Cupcake Factory?
Smug Little Cupcakes are a symbol of rebellion, a bite of blissful ignorance, order and chaos, all rolled into one delicious single serving of pure wickedness! We don't claim to have an age old secret recipe found after following a proverbial treasure map to Grandmas cake book hidden amongst bloomers and stockings. Oh no, we like to experiment, taste, and taste a lot….. and find that gem of a combination and relieve the world of cupcake boredom!
How did it all begin?
It is well known that the quietest of people have the busiest of minds. It is also said that those are the types you need to "watch out for". I am not that person. I am not quiet but I do have a busy mind and the Devil does make work for idle thumbs. In this case, it was cupcakes. And rather than allow my industrious little head to implode with the bazillion little creative fireworks that were cracking away in there, cupcakes became my outlet and apparently my waistline.
Just like my waistline The Smug Little Cupcake was small… made only for family and friends that were brave or stupid enough to go through the "testing phase". But soon it grew and expanded into something more and now we sell cupcakes everyday through our parent shop Foodcraft or via orders from my website.
Cupcakes are sold all over, so why are yours so different?
It is said that cupcakes can calm the most angered soul in hell. A cupcake with the right ingredients will give them a halo of gold and wings to match. Our Vanilla is Madagascan, Eggs are free range and local, the flavours are not from a bottle… we use real fruits here! (We have a sense of toddler pride knowing what an orange looks like). And we never ever buy from THAT dodgy bloke from a far off foreign land!
You also bake custom made giant cupcakes for birthdays; tell us a little more about this.
Nothing is more awesome than a cupcake.. Unless it’s a giant cupcake! Designed and made to look and taste however you want, these babies serve up to 17 people and are the daddies of the cupcake world! Our signature Candy Land Giant Cupcake is a favourite at parties!
I see your post on Facebook this morning talks about personalising cakes for your business; please expand on this for us.
Everyone loves cupcakes. Even let’s say, Gym Bunnies and Personal Trainers. Well, in light of this, I am currently working alongside James of JS Pace Training to develop a healthier but still tasty cupcake for his business and clients. It’s a hard task with it having to still be tasty and all, but we know that we are Smug enough to pull it off! Each of these cuppies will be designed to fit in with James' brand. This is the extreme side of things here…you know because that’s how we roll. But if you want something befitting for your cute little boutiques style, we have just the right thing for that!
What is the best feedback you have had from a client?
One of the best things in this business is seeing a smile on a person and knowing that your cupcakes put it there.
Which design is the most challenging for you?
The Smug Little Cupcake Factory relishes any chance to get creative and "show off", so I'd say, the simpler the design the harder it is.
What is your personal favourite?
Is this a trick question?
Why do you think cupcakes are becoming more popular than traditional cakes at weddings and birthdays?
Cupcakes lend themselves to versatility and cuteness! They are the ultimate indulgence and that will make a guest feel as though you have splurged …. Just the adorable and acceptable amount… to make them and them alone feel special in this temporary party of one!
You have introduced some new flavours this week, so what comes next for Smug Little Cupcake Factory?
Simple. World domination.
Interview with Samantha Finney
Female First Lucy Walton