Run out of time to make your Christmas pudding - don't despair, this one can be made a few days before Christmas, stored in the refrigerator and produced on the important day!

Gluten Free Microwaveable Christmas Pudding

Gluten Free Microwaveable Christmas Pudding

Serves: 6-8

Preparation time: 15 minutes, plus soaking - at least 3 hours

Cooking time: 18-20 minutes plus 7 minutes standing time


  • 300g Mixed Fruit, luxury
  • 25g Cranberries, dried (cherries could be used)
  • 1 Orange, zest and juice 100ml + 100ml water = 200ml orange juice and water
  • 50ml Brandy,
  • 1 Dessert Apple, small, grated
  • 3 Schär Brown Ciabatta Rolls, made into breadcrumbs or 150g Schär Wholesome White Loaf
  • 1tsp Mixed Spice,
  • 50g Dark Muscovado Sugar,
  • 25g Hazelnuts, roughly chopped
  • 50g Almonds, blanched, roughly chopped
  • 85g Suet, from the butcher or cookeen (vegetable alternative) grated straight from the fridge
  • 1 Egg, large, beaten
  • 1tbsp Black Treacle


  1. Put the dried fruit, orange zest, juice and water into a large mixing bowl, microwave on full power for 3 minutes.
  2. Pour over the brandy, cover and leave to soak in a cool place for 2hrs to allow the flavours to develop.
  3. Add the grated apple, breadcrumbs, mixed spice, sugar and nuts, mix together with a wooden spoon, add the suet in 3 batches and stir well after each batch, then add the egg and treacle and mix again not forgetting to make your wish!
  4. Grease a 1.2litres (2pt) plastic pudding basin. Spoon the mixture into the prepared basin and level with the back of a spoon. Cover the top loosely with cling film, leaving a small hole for breathing.
  5. Cook on medium 10 minutes, stand for 5 minutes then cook on medium for a further 8 -10 minutes, if eating immediately stand for a further 2 minutes or when cold wrap in cling and foil and store in the refrigerator for 1 - 2 weeks.(Cooking times may vary according to the type of basin and microwave).

NB Reheating: Remove foil and clover lightly with cling, microwave on full power (850watts) for 3 minutes, allow standing for 3 minutes, and then cook on medium for 5 - 7 minutes, then stand a further minute before turning out of basin, (temperature needs to be approximately 65°C in the centre of the pudding). The cooking time may vary according to the type of basin and microwave.

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