Spanish olives marinated in oregano and chilies

Spanish olives marinated in oregano and chilies

Britain as a nation has fallen in love with Spanish food, with it beginning to eclipse the more popular choices of Italian or Indian food, and in particular, the Spanish olive.

Olives are a Mediterranean superfood, as they're rich in anti-oxidants, iron and Vitamin E. They're a brilliant healthy food, as they're also full of flavour.

Talented chef Omar Allibhoy, dubbed ‘Antonio Banderas of the kitchen’ by Gordon Ramsey, has created some simple and delicious marinades that take only a minute to prepare (and probably as long to eat!)

Spanish olives marinated in oregano and chilies

1 jar or tin of green Spanish olives
100ml of mild Spanish olive oil
6 sprigs of fresh oregano
6 dried cayenne peppers


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