Elderflower and Lime Shortbread Stars
Get creative and impress your mum with these cute shortbread treats. Remember to get Dad to lend a hand too!
100g softened butter
50g caster sugar
3tbsps bottlegreen elderflower cordial
1 lime
200g plain flour
150g icing sugar
Silver balls and ribbon Serves: 18 Preparation time: 30 minutes
(Let Dad step in for this bit!) Pre-heat oven to 180c (160c for fan assisted oven) gas mark 4
Mix together the butter, caster sugar and 2tbsps of the bottlegreen elderflower cordial until nice and creamy, add the grated rind of the lime.
Sift in the flour and mix to a dough, get messy and knead!
Roll out on a lightly floured work surface, cut into stars approximately 7-8cm diameter (get an adult to help when using anything sharp).Place on lightly greased baking trays, cook for approximately 10-15 minutes until pale golden, cool on a wire rack.
Mix together the sieved icing sugar, remaining 1tbsp of bottlegreen elderflower cordial and enough lime juice to make a smooth, spreadable icing, yum!
Ice the biscuits and decorate with silver balls. Leave to set for several hours. Give to mum, and enjoy!
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