

Masterchef winner Mat Follas has teamed up with the happy egg co to develop some great recipes for the festival season.


6 happy eggs
60g caster sugar
600ml milk
1 tbsp vanilla extract
½ tsp grated nutmeg
150ml plain yogurt


You will need a cooking thermometer for this recipe.

Don’t be scared of raw eggs in eggnog; we gently cook them in this recipe.

Place 4 happy eggs, 2 happy egg yolks, caster sugar and milk in a saucepan. Heat slowly whilst stirring continuously; bring the temperature up to 72°C then remove the saucepan from the heat and keep stirring until it has cooled to around 60°C, this will take about 5 minutes.

Once it is below 60°C, pour the mixture through a sieve to capture any overcooked lumps. Add the vanilla extract and the nutmeg, stir and refrigerate the mixture. Once cool, add the plain yogurt and gently whisk together for a delicious and refreshing eggnog.

You can add other flavours in place of the vanilla and nutmeg and/or use double cream in place of the yogurt.

Adults might want to add some rum or bourbon too for a grown up drink.

Mat’s top tip: Use double cream instead of yogurt if you’re adding alcohol.

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