Chocolate & Orange Crumpets
Working time: 40 minutes
Resting time: 3 hours
Baking time: 15 minutes
Makes 8 crumpets
240g full fat milk
Zest of 1 orange
15g sugar
50g good quality dark chocolate
250g plain flour
10g fresh yeast (or 1 tsp dried yeast)
Juice of one orange, topped up to 125ml with water
2 tsp white wine vinegar
Half a teaspoon sea salt
Lurpak® Slow Churned butter (for serving)
10cm diameter crumpet rings
A griddle or flat frying pan
A small potato and some vegetable oil to grease the pan
Place the milk into a pan over a low heat. Add the orange zest and sugar. Grate in the chocolate. Simmer, stirring continuously over a low heat for a few minutes until the chocolate has melted. Do not allow it to boil.
Place the flour in a bowl and crumble the fresh yeast into it. Stir in the warmed milk mixture and beat well by hand or in a mixer for a minute or two until it combines. Clean the mixture off the sides of the bowl, then cover the bowl with plastic (an opened out freezer bag secured with an elastic band is perfect) and leave to rest for two hours.
Place the orange juice and water mixture in a separate pan, add the vinegar and salt and stir over a low heat for a minute or two until it is warm. Add the liquid to the dough mixture and fold in to make a thick batter. Leave to rest again for 45 minutes to one hour.
Place the griddle or flat frying pan on the hob and heat. Cut the potato in half and skewer it with a fork. Dip the cut side into the vegetable oil and use to grease the griddle or pan. Place the rings on it. Pour the batter into the rings until it is level with the top.
Cook for 4 - 5 minutes on the hob or until the bubbles start to set on the top. Flip the crumpets over for a few seconds and bake the other side. Remove from the heat and take the crumpets out of the rings.
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