Chilli Hot Chocolate

Chilli Hot Chocolate

With the nation fast wrapping up in their woolly hats, gloves and winter knits, Lactofree is turning up the temperature.

The UK’s leading lactose free dairy range have devised a collection of easy to digest milky drinks, infused with flavours of the season, to give classic hot drinks a festive twist.

Chilli Hot Chocolate (serves 2):

- 1 cinnamon stick

- 750ml Lactofree Semi Skimmed

- 150g lactose free chocolate, chopped

- 35ml Lactofree cream (whipped)

- Ground cinnamon

- 1 red chilli, cut into thirds

First, heat the cinnamon stick, Lactofree Semi Skimmed and red chilli in a saucepan with medium-high heat for 7 minutes. Set aside for 10 minutes to allow flavours to infuse.

Place into a clean saucepan, discarding solids and heat over medium heat for 4 minutes (don’t boil). Reduce heat to low and then add chocolate and whisk until smooth. Pour and top with whipped cream and a sprinkling of ground cinnamon.

Recipe courtesy of Lactofree

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