Hello Everyone,

Caroline Oldham
September is here and so is the first day of Autumn, although the first day of Autumn still felt like summer, feel like our seasons are shifting all the time. I hope you all had a good Bank Holiday weekend, we were at a friends wedding in Northampton all weekend which was really good fun. This weekend I am going to try go to the Brighton Viva! Vegan festival so I shall let you all know how it is, am sure there will be lots of wonderful vegan and gluten free foods to try.
There does seem to be lots of flue type bugs flying around, one of which I unfortunately caught so make sure with the change of weather that you make sure you are keeping your vitamin C levels up and I do like taking some natural echinacea tablets to keep your immune system strong.
Back in my home town a few weekends ago when visiting the Foodies Festival I decided to pop into one of my all time favourite Tearooms, Betty's Harrogate. They also have one in Harlow Carr if the queues are too much for you here. They have a non gluten containing menu, they have to call it this as they do have gluten in their kitchens and bakeries, however I am a coeliac and I have never had any issues.
Even if you just go for tea, their tea collection is outstanding! There is so many to choose from I even struggled, however I went for the Lemongrass and Ginger as it was a hot day outside and I wanted something fresh. I love the teapots and style they come in, so elegant and just adds to the experience, especially when you are paying £5 a tea! For brunch I decided to go for the tomato and cream cheese omelette from the non gluten containing menu, it was delicious, they used fresh organic eggs and topped with the soft tomatoes and cream cheese, this was delicious. Watch out for the chutneys they offer as a few contain gluten, however the onion chutney doesn't and it is worth having some on the side.
This week before we really say goodbye to summer I am going to share a recipe which you can bring from summer to Autumn, it is my vegan potato salad, I think it is either best served as a dish over some rocket or green salad or alongside some BBQ food. Potatoes are a very good source of vitamin B6 and a good source of potassium, copper, vitamin C, manganese, phosphorus, niacin, dietary fiber, and pantothenic acid, these contribute to many health benefits including building new cells, cardiovascular protection and improving brain cell and nervous system activity. https://www.biteappy.com/blog/blog/vegan-potato-salad/

Tagged in Vegan Caroline Oldham