

Serves: 8

Preparation time: 10 minutes

Per portion:

Fat                   0.0.g (of which saturates 0.0g)

Cals                 118 cals         

Carbs              8.1g (of which sugar 5.3g)



Juice 3 large oranges

100ml brandy

8 tbsp granular Canderel

1 bottle chilled rose wine

1 lemon, sliced

2 medium oranges cut into small chunks

2 ripe peaches, stoned and chopped


Pour the orange juice and brandy into a large jug. Stir in the Canderel, and when dissolved, add the rose wine, orange chunks, lemon slices and peaches.

Top up with soda water, depending on how strong you like it.

Canderel is the UK’s favourite low calorie sweetener and helps you enjoy life deliciously without worrying about the calories. Canderel granules are perfect to replace sugar in cakes, cookies, muffins, pies and pastries, cheesecakes and also for frostings, icing.  A teaspoon of Canderel granules contains only 2 calories compared to 20 calories in a teaspoon of sugar.  You can also reduce your calorie intake when cooking sauces and savoury dishes which require sugar by replacing with Canderel spoon for spoon. When weighing, divide your sugar quantity by 10 as Canderel is so light.  

Additionally you can cut out calories in all your hot drinks. Canderel tablets are perfect at home or on the go and have 0 calories, helping you save calories throughout the day.  Using Canderel tablets instead of sugar in your hot drinks alone can save you 700 calories a week.*

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