A Zombie Ate My Cupcake
Can you tell us about your recent involvement in the Book Club Diamond Jubiliee Street Party?
They got in touch earlier in the year so we had lots of time to plan, I designed a traditional British menu of cakes and pastries with a royal twist. But mostly it was just good fun - we had a guess the weight of the cake, cake.
You have baked for stars such as Elton John, Lulu Guiness and Nigella Lawson, whose creation did you enjoy making the most?
The project I always enjoy most is whatever's next - whatever's new, but some really fun projects included making a cake sculpture that was exhibited at the V&A and making edible bleeding heart cakes for an Ash video.
In 2009, you topped the Courvoisier list of the future 500 enterpeneurs, how did thhis make you feel?
It was a real boost as I'd only been selling cakes for a few months - the other winners were far more established and impressive in their achievements and it was one of the first times I started thinking the business might actually go somewhere, rather than just being a trumped up hobby. Plus we had an amazing trip to a chateau in Cognac and were plied with Courvoisier which was amazing.
You are a promoter of Faritrade products in your baking, when did you decide that you would support this in your work?
I had always used Fairtrade where I could, and then a couple of companies approached me for support as well as the Fairtrade foundation. There are some really great ingredients out there that are ethical and attach no compromise on quality or taste.
Your background is very varied in your experiences, such as design, journalism, art and photography, freelance writing and you even have a degree in Philosophy, so where did your passion for baking begin?
When I was a kid! but it was really in the last ten years that I developed a real love for and obsessive relationship with it. It was a late night hobby that I never thought would turn into a business - I still haven't really got a grip on how that's happened.
How much have your different experiences helped you get to where you are today?
I think just in that I've always been open minded and not allowed myself to get caught in a rut with what I'm doing - being open to change and not been afraid to leave something that's going well in order to try something new. I apply the same attitude to the bakery - I'm open to new opportunities and collaborations and am always looking for the next challenge.
Your career took off after you began selling cakes at Swanfield pop up market, can you tell us more about your discovery?
Swanfield was a collective of friends selling everything from clothes to jewellery, art and cakes - we had bands and lots of sundays drinks and it was very laid back. Hardly anyone we didn't know made it to the market but the one person who did ended up writing a feature in Sunday Times Style. - It was a lucky break.
What is the best feedback you have had from a taster of your work?
The best feeling is seeing people in the cafe on a Sunday - most people don't know I'm the baker so its nice to see people's genuine reactions to what they're tasting.
Your book A Zombie Ate My Cupcake, was published in October 2010, why did you opt for such unusual designs in your baking?
I had a freakout about cupcakes - they were like a dirty word in my kitchen at the time. They had taken off as this huge trend and there were a lot of people making cakes that look pretty but tasted awful - the whole thing was treated like a fashion accessory or a quick money making scheme. Anyway, it was years ago now (the book came out in June that year), and its all ancient history but at the time I wanted to make cakes that were the opposite - that looked ugly but tasted delicious.
What have you got lined up next for us eagerly awaiting to bake and taste your new treats?
My second book went off to print yesterday! its out in September which is actually scarily soon - I'm so excited about it - its very different to the last book and to anything else out there - its called Sweet Tooth - watch this space!
Female First Lucy Walton