Chinese tea

Chinese tea

Cookie Catcher is a new solution to a problem that has been around since the invention of tea and biscuits.

Simply place the Cookie Catcher,a simple mesh device, into a mug of hot tea and you can dunk your biscuits without fear of ruining your beverage. Let’s face it, we all enjoy a crafty dunk from time to time and we have all suffered that dunking dilemma, of how long will the biscuit hold on before your tea is ruined by the sweet sludge at the bottom of the mug.

Biscuit dunking is a British passion. We drink around 185 million cups of tea a day. Comedian Peter Kay performs a side splitting sketch about biscuit dunking (search on YOUTUBE for Peter Kay on biscuits) and on Heston Blumenthal’s recent series on Channel 4, the Michelin starred chef proves biscuits taste better after dunking, by using an industrial CT scanner at Nottingham University.

Presenter Tim Lovejoy said after a product review on Something For The Weekend, that the Cookie Catcher was the first thing he had tested that actually worked.

At home or at work, Hobnob or Digestive, the Cookie Catcher at £2 each, is a must for anyone who wants to enjoy their tea break whichever biscuit they choose.

This is how it works:

By Monika Petrauskaite

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