Lots of dishes accumulate during the festive period
This Christmas on the top of a woman’s wish list is a man who is a domestic god.
Research undertaken by LG Electronics revealed that 22% of women now prefer a man who is clean, tidy and has good culinary skills over them being attractive or intelligent.
With Christmas fast approaching, it is usually the women that take charge in the kitchen during the festivities, but it seems this year they want a much needed helping hand from their better halves.
The survey revealed that it’s the women in London and Wales who want to seek a man that is a wiz in the kitchen and his cleanliness is second to none.
It also unveiled that one in three Brits think that washing the dishes during December is their biggest stress.
And that collectively, as a nation we will be spending 25.5 million hours washing up after our meals over the festive season.
So who will be doing the dishes in your household this Christmas? Let’s just hope our men and dishwashers can do it for us!
Emma Gordon