With summer finally here and tomato season in full swing, it’s time to freshen up our meals and enjoy tomatoes in their full glory. So versatile we still can’t come to an agreement as to whether they are fruit or veg, or even a skin product…

Food and Drink on Female First
Five Things You Didn’t Know About Tomatoes:
Tomato size is determined by harvest time: The size of the ripe tomato is usually proportional to the number of days to harvest, with smaller tomatoes taking less time to grow than larger tomatoes. As a result, smaller varieties of indeterminate tomatoes can have a long harvest time, producing tomatoes as early as seven weeks after planting and into the end of the season.
The best tasting tomatoes receive eight hours of sunshine a day: For healthy growth, tomato plants require at least eight hours of direct sunlight a day. However, the hours of sunlight do not need to be consecutive. This means that tomatoes can be grown successfully in both morning and afternoon sun as long as the number of hours adds up to eight or more.
A tomato a day keeps the doctor away: Did you know tomatoes can have more nutrients when cooked? Research has showed that cooked tomatoes have much higher antioxidants than freshly picked tomatoes.
They can also be called a wolf peach: Astound your friends with this tomato trivia- their scientific name is Lycopersicon Esculentum which translates to Wolf Peach. It stems from old German folklore where it was believed that tomatoes were used by witches to produce werewolves!
Sunburn relief: Enjoyed the sun a little too much? Has your skin started to turn as red as a tomato? Well look no further, if your burn is recent and not blistering or peeling, rubbing a slice of tomato onto your skin can lessen the redness! And even better, eating tomatoes can increase your skin’s natural sun protection.
Five Uses For Tomatoes:
Tomato Skin Cleanser: Want perfect skin but on a budget? The acids in tomato juice are super for softening and cleaning any type of skin. For oily skin, mix equal parts fresh tomato juice and aloe vera juice, and for dry skin us a ratio of 1 part tomato juice and 2 parts aloe vera juice!
A deliciously tangy Bloody Mary: This iconic cocktail is the staple ingredient for a successful brunch, why not add a spoonful or two of Mr Organic’s Passata to really give the savoury cocktail a kick. The Italian tomato passata is made purely from crushed, sun-ripened tomatoes, what a great way to start off your 5-a-day!
A natural hair saviour: Applying tomato juice or even slices of tomatoes on to your hair increases its natural PH, getting back its natural colour and a gorgeous shine. Applying tomato pulp can also remove dandruff!
A tasty, home cooked meal: Simple yet effective, if you don’t fancy putting tomatoes on your hair or face, why not treat yourself to a homely meal?
Aid digestion, drink tomato juice: Make your own tomato juice and receive a bountiful of health benefits. Blend two cups of water, lemon juice, sugar, salt and a dollop of Mr Organic’s Tomato Puree and serve in a cold glass. The puree is made from all-natural ingredients and 100 per cent vegan, giving you a quick health boost when you are on the go!