It seems many of us will be struggling to move forward with our plans this week; perhaps it's the unpredictable weather affecting our progress, or maybe residual energies as Mercury retrograde ends. Whatever it is, patience and understanding is required in light of this week's Tarot reading.

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Photo Credit: Pixabay

MORE: Read last week's Tarot here

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

Three of Wands (Reversed)

The time has come to take action on venture that is of great personal importance to you. The question is: Which path should I take on this journey? How do I accomplish my goal? Remember that we don't always know that the path we are on is the right one, but that doesn't mean we can't turn back and take a different one. Don't be afraid to take that first step.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

Six of Pentacles (Reversed)

As one of the more practical signs in the zodiac, making responsible decisions is paramount. But your stubbornness is preventing you from being able to accept help when it is offered. You can't do everything on your own; sometimes a helping hand is the only way of moving forward.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

The High Priestess (Reversed)

Intuition is usually strong in Gemini, but this week you're experiencing a lot of self-doubt. If others are making you question your own values and decisions, consider whether their opinion has any worth. It most likely doesn't, and you may find you need to spend more time by yourself to find your purpose once again.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)


This week is about making peace with your past, but also about not making the same mistakes again. It's time to move forward with a new outlook on life, using your past experiences to make an important decision about your future no matter how daunting and final that may seem.

Leo (July 23 - August 22)

Eight of Pentacles (Reversed)

When it comes to hard work, you're more focused on the details than the bigger picture. There's nothing wrong with being a perfectionist, but you don't want to lose sight of the end goal. Sometimes it's worth taking a break, re-evaluating what you want to achieve and placing efficiency over perfection.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)


You are feeling especially empowered this week, Virgo. Expect to handle any challenges that come your way with ease because you have the inner strength to overcome any obstacle. This doesn't mean you have to be forceful or over-assertive; your strength of will is enough to manifest your goals.

Libra (September 23 - October 22)

Two of Swords

Being torn between two decisions is never easy, but it comes very natural to you to use logic rather than feeling or intuition to make a choice and that's exactly what you need to do right now. Weigh up the pros and cons of both options, and go for the one that feels like the most sensible course of action.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

King of Cups (Reversed)

As you are a water sign, the King of Cups reversed very likely represents you as a person. Emotions are getting the better of you this week; you're easily upset, possibly depressed, most likely moody and engaging in damaging negative self-talk. Talk about your feelings to someone you trust if you need to, and take some time out to get a sense of where these feelings are coming from.

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

Nine of Swords

We all have anxieties, but if something feels so stressful that it's keeping you up at night, you need to reflect on whether or not things are really as bad as they appear. Rather than wallowing in your own worries, wake up and gain some perspective. Face each problem head on and deal with it logically.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

Eight of Wands (Reversed)

Success has reached a plateau this week, and it seems you are facing more obstacles than you are blessings. Your trying your best to push things forward, but nothing is budging. Have patience, Capricorn; delay doesn't necessarily mean failure. It may just mean that a new approach is needed.

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

The Hanged Man

If progress has stalled for you, now is the time you need to change your perspective on the situation. Re-evaluate your priorities and allow others to express their point of view. You may just find a new way of doing things that you had never considered.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

Five of Wands (Reversed)

It may seem almost impossible to work out where you stand on certain issues. You're struggling with an inner conflict that isn't helped by other people pulling you this way and that. You want to be on everyone's side, but deep down you know that you need to set your values straight. You won't find any inner peace until you know yourself and stop trying to ignore the conflict that's going on around you.

The Author

Holly Mosley is a Wiccan witch who has been practising consistently for three years, enjoys monthly meet-ups in the Pagan community and spends her time studying Tarot which she first discovered at the age of 10. She publishes weekly Tarot readings on Female First, alongside her informative Witching Hour series about all things esoteric, and recently set up her own Tarot reading service under the moniker Mistress Wyrd.

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