We're in the middle of another Mercury retrograde which means that things might be getting a little crazy. There's a lot of Pentacles in this week's tarot draw though, which suggests that it's important to stay grounded as our emotions threaten to get the better of us.

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Photo Credit: Pixabay

More: Read your daily horoscope

Aries (March 21 - April 19)


This week is all about doing the right thing, Aries. While some decisions are hard to make, as long as you can stand by your choices you needn't feel any guilt about the inevitable consequences. The Justice card is all about truth; being true to yourself as well as seeking truth from others.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

Nine of Pentacles

Abundance is coming your way, Taurus, and while it may not be on the excessive side, expect a feeling of deep comfort and contentment as you enjoy the simple things in life. You can breathe a sigh of relief as you finally get to revel in the fruits of your labours.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

The Emperor (Reversed)

There's a certain level of instability in your life as you find yourself at odds with an authority figure. Perhaps you're fighting against an abuse of power, or else fighting to assert your own authority. Either that or you need to start asserting your authority as you shy away from taking a leadership role.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

Five of Swords

Coming out as victorious in an argument or conflict doesn't always mean you've won. It's wise to pick your battles, especially if you have just as much to lose as the other person, such as a treasured friendship or relationship. Sometimes it's best just to surrender.

Leo (July 23 - August 22)

Page of Wands

You're bursting with enthusiasm regarding a new venture, though you are lacking in experience. Don't get too over-confident too quickly, but equally don't lose that childlike spirit and passion for this new idea as you learn the ropes. You might not have a plan just yet, and it's fine to start without one, but be realistic about your goals.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

The Chariot (Reversed)

It seems no matter what you do, Virgo, you can't forge ahead with your plans. There are far too many roadblocks at the moment and you're struggling to harmonise the various elements it takes to succeed. Remember that you can't control everything, and it's always best to change direction if you're at a dead end.

Libra (September 23 - October 22)

Six of Swords

For the good of your mental health, it's time to put the past behind you once and for all. It won't be easy or instantaneous, and there will always be painful emotional baggage you have to carry with you, but you will start to feel lighter as you move away from the things in the past that you cannot change. Remember, though, that you don't have to do it alone.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

Two of Pentacles (Reversed)

Something in your life is out of balance with everything else. Perhaps your spending money unwisely or neglecting aspects of your physical health. You may be struggling to keep your house in order, or working far too hard. It's time to organise your everyday life and analyse which areas may need your attention this week.

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

Three of Pentacles

You're finally taking action on a lucrative practical project that will spark much interest from various people. You'll get plenty of offers of help over the course of this task, and it's important that you accept it where it can be used. As the saying goes: team work makes the dream work!

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

Ace of Pentacles

Things are looking positive for you this week, Capricorn! The Ace of Pentacles represents the beginning of a profitable new venture. All the tools are in place for success to happen, so put don't let the complications of logistics deter you from your goal. It's your wise actions that will ensure victory.

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

The Hanged Man

If an important area of your life feels to be at a standstill (or else going downhill), then it's time to adopt a new perspective. As an Air sign, thinking is your area of expertise, but you're in danger of letting logic get in the way of your progress. Not everyone thinks as you do, and you'll find a little empathy goes a long way.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

King of Wands (Reversed)

Either you or someone in your life is leading a visionary new enterprise, but passion projects often mean that passions become high. Don't take your temper out on those who are trying to help you, and show understanding and compassion - but be assertive - towards those who may be causing friction with out-of-control egos.

Holly Mosley is a Wiccan witch who has been practising consistently for three years, enjoys monthly meet-ups in the Pagan community and spends her time studying Tarot which she first discovered at the age of 10. She publishes weekly Tarot readings on Female First, alongside her informative Witching Hour series about all things esoteric.

by for www.femalefirst.co.uk

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