Creativity and new ventures is what July is all about, though these things may be difficult to navigate as we move into the second Mercury Retrograde of the year. Focus on short-term goals, avoid the temptation to cut corners and make sure you're doing the right thing.

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Photo Credit: Pixabay

More: Read our previous Tarot draw

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

Ten of Swords

You may be on the brink of a painful and unexpected ending, most likely the end of a relationship or friendship, so expect a period of grief. If this has happened recently, it's time to finally move on and embrace what the future brings.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

The Hermit

If you're feeling disenchanted by everyday life, it's time to step away from that routine and embark on a journey of self-discovery. Let your own wisdom be your guiding light, and be ready to let go of the negative feelings that burden you.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Seven of Swords (Reversed)

As a Gemini, it's not unusual for you to have a finger in every pie; you are adaptable, motivated and multi-talented. But this lack of focus has led you to doubt your own abilities when it comes to a particularly important project. Believe in yourself because the way you see yourself is not necessarily how others see you.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

Page of Wands (Reversed)

You have visionary ideas, but you're struggling to work out how best to act on them. Perhaps you have already tried many courses of action with disappointing results. Don't scrap your ideas just yet though; let your intuition guide you on the right path.

Leo (July 23 - August 22)

Four of Wands (Reversed)

The Leo has one of the most dominant personalities of all, and this may be having a negative effect on your homelife. Remember that you are not always right, and allow others to contribute and execute advice and ideas. Set your ego to one side unless you want to risk a nasty fall-out.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)


It may be time to make a significant decision with long-term repercussions no matter what you choose. As long as you make a choice that you can stand by and accept the consequences of, the difficulty will be over soon. If you make the wrong decision, however, you will be held accountable.

Libra (September 23 - October 22)

Page of Swords

You have all sorts of ideas and plans for a brighter future, but the problem with the Page is that this motivation and zeal is very new and unlikely to last very long. Focus on one thing at a time, or you might risk over-burdening yourself.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

Ten of Wands (Reversed)

It's time for a clear out, Scorpio. This may be a literal clearing out of junk, letting go of some emotions from the past that are still affecting you, or releasing some of the burdens and responsibilities you have acquired (you can't do everything, after all).

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

King of Wands

Rather than taking an idea and running with it yourself, you are acting as a leader in a creative venture that others will execute for you. You are the charismatic face of this project, and others will feel inspired by you. If all goes well, this could be an important chapter in your life.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

Seven of Pentacles

Whatever project you have taken on, you are drawn towards investing in long-term and sustainable results rather than quick fixes that may lead you right back to where you started. You are cultivating an idea gently with the bigger picture in mind, and you will reap the rewards.

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

Six of Wands (Reversed)

You've reached a personal milestone that is important to you, but rather than being praised for it, you are more than likely being criticised for your choices. Ask yourself whether you have really acted in the best interests of both yourself and other people.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

Knight of Cups (Reversed)

Be wary of getting over-ambitious when it comes to your ideas, Pisces. It's all well and good dreaming, but if you can't execute them then that's all they'll ever be. Focus on making short-term goals that are easier to work towards instead.

Holly Mosley is a Wiccan witch who has been practising consistently for three years, enjoys monthly meet-ups in the Pagan community and spends her time studying Tarot which she first discovered at the age of 10. She publishes weekly Tarot readings on Female First, alongside her informative Witching Hour series about all things esoteric.

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