If you have run out of things to do in lockdown- we have you covered by observing the National Calendar. There are three celebrations today- so here are our suggestions for how you can mark the day with a bit of fun! 

Image courtesy of Pixabay

Image courtesy of Pixabay

National Hot Chocolate Day: Who doesn’t love hot chocolate? Even vegans and those with dairy allergies can now enjoy this hot beverage so here are just a few things you can do to give a nod to this celebration day…

  • Make a hot chocolate and drink it by yourself with a good book 

  • Make a hot chocolate for all of your family and sit around and have a chat while you drink it

  • Make the most impressive hot chocolate with sprinkles, marshmallows and cream and post it on your social media

  • Discover how to make a hot chocolate without dairy or gluten 

National Backward Day: Today is a day for doing everything you can in reverse order so rather than going about your day on autopilot- try the following…

  • Go out the back door instead of the front door when you leave the house
  • Have dinner for breakfast and breakfast for dinner- who doesn’t love bacon and eggs in the evening?
  • Add tea to your milk
  • Add ice cream to your chocolate sauce
  • Wear your top backwards and see who notices first 
  • Watch the last five minutes of a movie first if you don’t like surprises 
  • Read the last page of your new book first so you know where it’s headed 

National Inspire Your Heart with Art Day: Today is also about exploring how all the different kinds of art affect our minds and most importantly- our hearts. There are so many forms to choose from, which means there are lots of options when it comes to celebrating this day…

  • Watch a theatre performance or ballet on a streaming service
  • Read a good book
  • Listen to music from your favourite musical and dance around to it with those you love 
  • Teach someone you live with how to play an instrument you can already 
  • Watch an inspirational film
  • Share your art with others on your social media or just with those you live with and display it proudly on the fridge or frame it for the wall
  • Watch a virtual tour of an art gallery 

Happy National Hot Chocolate, Backward and Inspire Your Heart With Art Day! 

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