Salarah Starre by Becky Crockatt

Salarah Starre by Becky Crockatt

By Lucy Roberts 

What made you want to be a life coach?

It was a calling - pure and simple. After a turbulent childhood and teenage years, I resorted to alcohol and drug abuse which could have quite easily become the be-all and end-all for me. But the universe had other plans! I discovered The Secret - the now very famous book by Rhonda Byrne and was immediately drawn to the powers of the Law of Attraction - i.e. what you perceive, you can achieve! It turned my life around - and I am now surrounded by love and positive energy. My thinking was that if I could make such powerful changes, other people could too - and it was my calling to help them. Fast forward to today and I am an Advanced Law of Attraction Life Coach and a member of the Association of Coaching. I have dedicated over sixteen years coaching hundreds of individuals and have spent thousands of hours successfully helping my clients to design and fulfil their dreams, ultimately turning their lives around - just like I did. 

How did you find the strength to transform your life?

You could say I went from mess to magic!!  I learned what has become the law I now live by and teach with profound passion, the hard way. Born in Zimbabwe, then growing up in Johannesburg, my family moved to the U.K in 1987 to escape political unrest in S.Africa. The move to England was difficult for me, I left school without qualifications due to an abusive father, and took to partying and recreational drug use as a form of escapism. Jobs took me from retail to waitressing to insurance tele-sales, right up to a pivotal moment in 2006 where I found myself in tears, in debt and praying for help. I knew something had to change - and you could say that where there was a will - there was a way. I just had to find what my way was.

It was at this point that I happened to read about The Law of Attraction, which ultimately changed my life. I embarked on years of extensive training and studying and I have since qualified in meditation and mindfulness, Reiki, EFT and Life Coaching, not to mention studying the Kabbalah for seven years. 

How do you help people transform their lives?

I help people to become great players in the game of their own life. I equip them with the tools and techniques to navigate through challenges and ultimately come through those challenges triumphantly.  The Law of Attraction is extremely powerful and works on the basis that ‘likes attract like’ and ‘what you think about will come about’. Ultimately, we can attract into our lives whatever it is we put focus on. But what I do as a coach is help people take action. I may be very spiritual, but am also very practical. My clients have to ‘put themselves out there’, if they want to invite change into their lives - it’s not going to just happen if you sit on the sofa, moaning about your lot!

Could you explain what the Law of Attraction is?

The Law of Attraction is one of many spiritual laws and is extremely powerful. It works on the basis that ‘likes attract like’ and ‘what you think about will come about’. Ultimately, we can attract into our lives whatever it is we put focus on. If you tune into the power of this law, you can indeed design your life and fulfil your dreams. One of my favourite mantras is “where attention goes, energy flows” - i.e. what you focus on you see more of. I harness my clients’ internal power to help them attract into their lives whatever they put their focus on. Everything we need is within us, we just need to know how to tap into it. The concepts I teach work for everyone, no matter where they are in life. They don’t need to have suffered a big dramatic upset like I did - anyone has the ability to attract what they want into their life - be that love, success, health or wealth - with the right tools.

And there's also a course people can take to get the Law of Attraction Advanced Certificate, so why did you want to start offering this and how successful has it been?

I started this because I wanted to empower people who were running their own businesses. These businesses more often than not revolved around helping people in some way - i.e. coaching, mindfulness, meditation and so on.  Via their coaching with me they had learnt and understood how powerful the Law of Attraction was in any kind of modality and in fact was an important ‘bolt on’ to what they were already teaching - be that yoga, be it coaching etc. and also general day-to-day life. 

I wanted people I was working with to be able to share this wisdom far and wide.  After studying the Law of Attraction for so many years and learning the ups, the downs, the ins, the outs, I felt that by developing a course whereby my clients learned for themselves how to teach the Law of Attraction, they could pass the information on to their own clients.  

The course has been very successful - I run 2-3 courses a year and they are always full. It gives me great satisfaction and pleasure to see so many people learning about this spiritual law and its powerfulness. 

 Why did you decide to change your name?

For a long time I had contemplated who I wanted to be in this lifetime, what my purpose in life was and if I had what it took to fulfil my dreams. I’d been on some very interesting self discovery journeys and was constantly evolving.  In 2003 I discovered numerology and was very taken with how powerful our names are based on numerology. I sat with the numerology report of my then name Carolyne Mary Emma Bennett (Burnett at that time was my maiden name) for quite some time. From a numerology perspective,  whilst there were brilliant qualities to bring to the world, it also lacked the qualities I required to excel in other areas - love, health, career and finances. 

I had never felt connected to my name and on a practical level - people often got it wrong (Caroline!) - as a child in school I was called everything from Caramel to Caravan in the playground. My mum admitted that she had wanted to call me Nicole but my dad was affirmative on Carolyne. 

In November 2021 I started thinking about how the name we’re given at birth is someone else's choice.  I looked into Kabbalarian philosphy  and commissioned a report which recommends names based on energetic alignment and spiritual resonance.  This was all about me becoming who I wanted to be - not who the world told me I should be. I felt like I was carrying karmic energy from my family through my name which was limiting me and my progression. It was empowering and scary. The name I settled on and felt the most resonance with is Salarah Starre. That’s who I am. 

Do you think your younger self would be proud of who you've become?

100%!! My younger self would simply say “you go girl - the universe has your back!” 

For more information on Salarah Starre’s coaching programmes and training packages, visit: