Crufts has kicked off today, and runs until Sunday, at the Birmingham NEC.

Crufts has kicked off

Crufts has kicked off

The heartwarming event showcases the best-groomed dogs with world-class skills. Bit’s broadcasted daily by Channel 4, meaning that if you missed out on getting tickets, you can still keep up with everything that’s going on with the top dogs.

And if you really want to embrace the crufts craze, here’s the perfect pup playlist for the next four days.

Baha Men - Who Let The Dogs Out

Florence and the Machine - Dog Days Are Over

Elvis Presley - Hound Dog

Donny Osmond - Puppy Love

Cat Stevens - I Love My Dog

The Monkees - Gonna Buy Me A Dog

Adam Faith - A Lonely Pup in a Christmas Shop

David Bowie - Diamond Dogs

Kasabian - Underdog

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