1. Invitations

Sometimes it seems like an easier options to just make a private Facebook group and invite everyone that way. But there are some obvious risks involved with that. The good old-fashioned way (paper invites) is sometimes a better option. That way, they can be hidden from the unsuspecting subject.

Planning a surprise party? We've got you covered.

Planning a surprise party? We've got you covered.

2. Excuses

It can feel like you're living a double life - but you should be armed with excuses and white lies throughout the planning procedure of a surprise party! You might feel mean telling porkies but it'll be worth it in the end!

3. Party-goers

Be careful who you invite. Some people can't keep a secret! If you want to invite these people, the best thing to do is leave it until as late as possible to invite them. Sometimes you need to keep it a secret from more than just one person in order to pull it off!

4. Remain calm

Although you might be worrying about sorting the cake, blowing up balloons and putting out the spread, you've got to remember to chill. If your unsuspecting subject clocks on that you're behaving weirdly, they may no longer be so unsuspecting...

5. Keep it simple

Remember - this person has no idea what you're planning. Although they may love that you've gone to the effort, they might also secretly hate it! So don't do anything too crazy, like book a circus act to perform...

6. Be organised

Don't leave everything until the last minute. It's good to have everything prepared in advance so you're not rushing about in the days leading up to the event. Carefully plan everything in good time.

7. Enjoy it!

It can be easy to get caught up in the stress of planning a surprise party, but remember that parties are meant to be fun! Don't spend the whole evening worrying about minor things. You're there to have a good time too!

by for www.femalefirst.co.uk