It’s one of the best days of the year – No Bra Day.

It's not bra day!
There seems to be a day for everything now, and this is one we can seriously get behind.
After all, it’s widely considered that taking off your bra at the end of a long day is one of the best feelings ever – so why don’t we just go without one for a while?
Today is all about celebrating freedom from the straining straps of underwear.
Here are some celebrities that have rocked some glamorous looks without the need for a bra...
Kendall Jenner
Supermodel Kendall Jenner is one of many celebrities that often ditch the bra.
Cara Delevigne
The feminist and activist knows how it goes!
Kim Kardashian
Kim’s extravagant looks often mean she has to adapt her underwear to pull it off – and she always works it!
Don’t fancy the idea of ditching the bra? Go J-Lo and opt for a bralette… They’re way more comfy and still give some support.
Pamela Anderson
Beauty queen Pamela has been snapped several times over the years bra-free – an inspiration to all of us freeing the nipple!