Girls are almost twice as likely to seek extra help in STEM subjects than boys, despite similar grades at A Level.

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This is according to research from the UK’s leading platform for online tuition – MyTutor – which looked at data from over 100,000 tutorials.
MyTutor’s Chief Marketing Officer and Women in Tech ambassador Nicola Anderson is committed to closing this confidence gap and getting more women into the field with her top tips:
Trust your own abilities
More girls than ever are deciding to choose science qualifications, with the number of female STEM candidates at A Level outpacing boys for the first time ever this year.
This is an encouraging sign for the next generation of female scientists, but it’s no guarantee that women will choose STEM careers after they leave school - with many saying it’s a lack of self-confidence that has put them off taking the next step.
Women who’d like to get into STEM but feel confidence is holding them back should just take the plunge - don’t let imposter syndrome stand in the way of the career you want.
Find a STEM role model
STEM representation in the media has been traditionally dominated by male experts and spokespeople, but we’re also starting to see a change here. Female scientists are beginning to take their place on our TV screens, from anthropologist Professor Alice Roberts to biologist Dr Emily Grossman.
The success of these women is positive encouragement for anyone deciding whether to go for a role in the STEM sector. And, if you’re looking for more inspiration, check out the Women in Stem website, guaranteed to spark some career envy!
Explore the world of STEM
Often the idea of a STEM career conjures up lab-coats and test tubes, but in reality there’s much more to it than that. As a person who’s spent my working life in the tech sector I might be a little biased, but the UK has an amazing technology industry with roles many wouldn’t immediately consider for themselves.
There are almost certainly women in your life who work in STEM, and seeking them out can give you some great ideas of where you could fit in. From coders to chemists, the STEM sector has a role for almost everyone. Don’t be afraid to reach out to people you admire on Linkedin - you’ll be surprised by how receptive they are.
Check out your funding options
Although there is still an imbalance when it comes to men and women in the STEM workplace, we’re now starting to see a bigger push to rectify this. Across the industry there are awards, scholarships and bursaries springing up with the sole purpose of helping women to kick-start their career in the sciences.
If you know the area you’d like to work in but don’t know how to go about making this a reality there may well be a route in for you already out there.