A lot can change in a quarter of a century. From 1993 to 2018, icons and idols have evolved considerably and a new generation that redefines what it means to be a ‘model’ has landed. Motivated by this cultural shift, Vauxhall Motors has recreated its iconic 1993 Supermodels Corsa advert as a bold and punchy short film to inspire a new, empowered generation.
25 years ago, Naomi Campbell and Kate Moss – two of the most rousing young Britons of the fashion world at the time – introduced the Vauxhall Corsa to the nation. Starring alongside them were Christy Turlington and Linda Evangelista, with the ladies battling the new ‘supermodel’ for the centre of attention. With a new era of Brits taking the reins, the new film makes a stand against the model archetype and shows how the class of 2018 – Anais Gallagher, Harnaam Kaur, Kylie Griffiths and Grace Victory - are doing it differently.
“25 years ago models were celebrated for what they did in front of the camera. But we are a generation that have the tools to make a real difference for the things that we feel passionate about - for me it’s animal conservation and the environment. It’s really important for us to do as much as we can to help the world, even if it’s on a small scale.” explains Anais Gallagher.
From body positivity and inner confidence to identity and acceptance, the film takes each of the ladies’ personalities and amplifies what makes them unique.
Harnaam Kaur, the first bearded woman to walk London Fashion Week, adds: “There isn’t one way to be beautiful, there isn’t one way to be a woman. Don’t hold back, don’t dim your light.”
And body image campaigner Grace Victory continues: “The original film with the models was great back then but we’re now in different world where representation really matters.”
For more information visit: www.vauxhall.co.uk/corsatwentyfive, or follow the campaign on social with #corsatwentyfive