
February on Female First

Whilst Rose Quartz is known to be the crystal for Love, the true hero for maintaining long standing committed relationships is Amethyst. Moreover, as the legend goes, a person can summon any love by speaking their name in an Amethyst.
To celebrate this mystical purple gemstone, Silatha, a wellbeing lifestyle brand, has teamed up with Maude Hirst, an actor turned mindfulness teacher, whose birthstone is Amethyst. Both Silatha and Maude are passionate about making mindfulness more accessible to the public, empowering people to connect to their unique expression of who they truly are.
Each of these beautiful jewellery pieces are complemented with the Peace and Balance series on the dedicated Silatha Meditation App including two special meditations by Maude Hirst. Her soothing voice leads the practitioner into a state of mindful tranquillity, peace and calm.
Lebrusan Studio, Gemstone Stacking Rings, £145

AMETHYST: February stone. Related to the crown chakra and could help with depression or anxiety, mood disorders, and stress relief.”
Lily Charmed